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Fiona "Kit" Arjerm
Zalera Server - Crystal Cluster
----------Want some Chocolate,
------------Keep away from my family.
---------------I've come to a conclusion!
Fiona Arjerm is the twin sister to Felecia Arjerm and younger sister to Foster Arjerm. Weaker in close combat, Fiona tends to keep to using spells from her Scholar and Red mage training. Fiona is a lover of chocolates and often is very over caring trying to protect and keep all life safe and healthy. This leads to a lot of conflicts since she is definitely a bleeding heart girl who longs to have a significant other.
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Fiona's Theme Song
The Arjerms
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..........So foster is 24, and his baby twin sisters are 18. Foster would vanish at age 3, ironically 3 years before the twins were born. Their father left before the twins could remember. The abby their mom was in charge of was destroyed as well leaving the twins as the only survivors and the mother dead. They were given to the grandparents to be cared for. A few moths later foster is found lost in the woods. Still as young as when he went missing a few years back........Fiona would be given things pretty easily. She was a charismatic sweetheart who often tended to let her stomach do her talking when not trying to help the grandmother work on food, laundry, or other tasks around the farm.
The Coerthas Western Chocobo Farm
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..........Fiona when she grew older would be assigned tasks of taking care of the chocobos and other creatures around the farm. She often watched her grandfather doing combat training with the chocobo for Ishgard and would get hyper trying to imitate her sibling and her friend James with the sword. Her sister was one more into working on the tech machines but the two often spent time together trying to imitate each other to get out of certain chores and playing pranks on people.James would often convince Fiona to run off as he taught her fishing with the locals. He was the first person to teach her how to start a fire and cook fish in the wild. Coerthas being cold made them usually sneak off south towards Mor Dhona and be near the small swamp and crystal near the Garleans forces.Foster was taken by House Dzmael at a young age to serve them and enlist in the war. The deal was his sisters would be able to go into the scholastic program not just for being bright but due to their brother's crazy service record.
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Scholastic Record
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..........Fiona and Felecia would often change places but both were signed up for similar classes throughout their 8 years at the Scholastic program in Ishgard. Fiona focused on several subjects. Them being the following with the teachers and those with experience teaching next to it.Year 1
..... Animal Handling - Her grandfatherYears 2-4
..... Scholar - Professor Rosette RedmondYears 2-3
..... Conjuring - Sister Elizabeth Hamilton
Year 4
..... Thavnairian Culture - Kari Gille (Leforeux)Years 4-6
..... Clergy - Father Grey Anderson
(Enough Credits to graduate at year 4)Year 7
..... Cooking - Chef Theodore Maou
..... Fashion - Aqua PlainneYear 8
..... Red Mage - Zackary Taylor
(withdrawn from)
..... Etiquette - Father Jeane Kirstein
(abandoned but Completed by her sister not her)
_ _..........The twins often swapped places to learn more than they were allowed. This is due to how bright the two were. If a class interested one, they would swap if they were way caught up on their work. This also helped with doing pranks but lucking out due to their brother's records letting them get just a slap on the wrist.During this time, Fiona met James again. She began to date him learning he became a dark knight and was serving in the war. Fi often would spend nights out sneaking off to see him and being taught to stand up for her beliefs and justice.This lead her down being on a rebellious track and deciding that some of the rules and laws they learned were not proper nor right.
The Boyfriend
and The Rebel
In her eighth year, a man stole a book from Father Jeane Kirstein. This lead to the man trying to apprehend him and hurting the homeless beggar. Fiona appalled by the father would start to treat the man learning he stole so his daughter could study to attempt to join the clergy. The father snapped at her telling her she was forbidden from treating a thief and was to stop that instant. Fiona like usual with this professor turned and barked back. She would insult the man and he spoke of a punishment from Flogging and being expelled. Fiona would cave and tell her sister of the event before fleeing. The flogging never happened but her sister pretended to be her and completed her last course for her. The red mage class Fiona would withdraw from and she would go off to follow James on a mission he was just assigned to protect an outpost North of Falcon's Nest.The mission was a suicide mission, Fiona would try to aid James with the little she learned as a red mage, since she left her dragon skinned bound book with the contract with a fairy named Sally back at her dormitory. Fi would hear a baby crying and see a woman struggling to protect her child. She rushed in and wound up hitting a wyvern into a wall. James screamed out seeing it crumbling as he placed his sword into the ground and used his back to shield Fiona from the danger. As Fi sat there in the snow trembling, a cry would burst out rather quick as she noticed the woman dead and a bloody blanket where the baby was. She looked in horror seeing a wyvern holding it's now lifeless body in its mouth. Another cry was heard but it was James. She turned seeing a wyvern sinking its teeth into James. He took a dagger stabbing it in the eye before Fiona thrust her rapier through its neck. As the wyvern grew limp, James would slide down the wall touching her face as she trembled watching his body lose its aether before going limp. Fi was the only survivor blaming herself for what unknown to her was a suicide mission sent to get rid of James for being a problem soldier who disobeyed orders for the greater good.
Knight Time
a backwoods kingdom
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..........Fiona ran off after the trauma which her sister would try to snap her out of. She soon would find her brother and follow him to a backwater kingdom. As she joined him, she would meet a man named Elks. She soon developed a crush and dated him in less than 36 hours. She was warned by her brother about it but Fi did not listen. She would notice issues caused by just not thinking and would break it off. During that time she also tried to become a knight for the kingdom.....but like Fiona....she noticed issues with the leader and told the leader off almost becoming executed. Foster and Danta calmed the fuel that Fi ignited but she was disenrolled from the knights.She would start learning slight training by Danta and get to know a man named Bal who was kind of like an older brother figure at times. There were many who impressed the 18 year old, and Fiona would soon get an apartment. Fi would fall for a man who was known as Atreyu and find a red panda in the trash outside her place. She adopted the panda and fed him, treated him for various diseases and gave him a home. During this time, Fi and her brother would grow a tad closer.After a few months, her brother was called back to Ishgard and Fiona would follow to aid him in his mission to help Ishgard.
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A New Job
A New Journey
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..........Fiona was introduced to a new project and Foster clearly knew of this having the Abby of their mother's rebuilt. The project was known as Project Ishgard, Foster now had a woman betrothed to him named Xera. Her profession was not one Fi found proper which lead to a slight bump in them being friends. While this slowly ensued Felecia would arrive home and begin the pranks of revenge and filling Foster and Fiona in on what went down at the school before her graduation.Foster during a night at the Forgotten Knight introduced Fiona to Miss Qhotar, the leader of a company called the Red Crest. Fi took a job as a healer and medic aiding them in making medical kits for locals and those of Ishgard. She met her teammates Evi, Breandan, and Lobeaux during this time.
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Of A Ship
..........Foster told Fiona, Felecia, and the rest of the company of obtaining a fallen air ship to use for the project. The issue was other groups including Garleans were after the same exact ship.As the company worked to gather info and weasel out the hired thugs, Fiona was busy with the Red Crest and fell off a cliff from a wyvern battle. She was nursed back during that week but found out about Xera being stabbed and kidnapped then rescued, of Bal and Rym being in serious injured states, and same with her brother. Sis got mad that Fiona and the Crest did not contact them but the group spoke of Behemoths migrating like usual in Coerthas and of the Garleans.Fiona came up with the idea to lure the behemoth towards the Garleans to deal with their enemy....and it worked but Foster was hurt bad....and lured a Queen Behemoth there, while Rym, Bal, Desi, Sako, Fel, and Fiona dealt with 4 alpha Behemoth. It was a rough battle but they emerged victorious and the Garleans were weakened enough to hopefully not try to pursue the ship.They should learn....do not mess with the Arjerms on their own turf.
The Creation of Kit
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..........Fiona vanished for a while along with her sister. She found out later when she found herself lost that her sister and her were kidnapped by their father attempting to Resonate them. Fiona terrified after the chaos and then hearing of her sister's death abandoned her family and hid for a long time in the Mists with a few of her contacts. She has been working a bit with Alchemy and has finally come to terms wanting to head back to find her family once again.
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Return of the Kit
Fiona convinced by Bella now finally went home to the Abbey. She has recently started to settle in back home but is still somewhat grounded for not letting anyone realize she was still alive.Fi has been setting up her room but still is trying to find where she belongs.
- Foster - Fiona's older brother and often the one overcaring and spoiling Fi and her twin.
- Xera - Foster's love and a rather stubborn woman. She means well but comes across rough like a diamond. Xera watches out for the twins but is very harsh on them for their mistakes....worse than Foster.
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........ Felecia - Fiona's Mechanic of a twin sister. Fel's is not much of a people person and often is more into doing the technical aspects of life. She is not as aether adapt as Fiona but she always protects and aids her sister in a pinch. Fel is often working on her Construct and on Fiona's SDS Fenrir. She has recently died sadly._ _
- Rym - a roegadyn who is skilled in combat. She often is the one who goes front line to handle threats for her friends.
- Bal - Foster's friend who often pokes at Fiona but aims to help guide her in the right Direction.
- Sako - A samurai woman who Fiona looks up to. Fi was amazed when she showed her up in battle.
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Want some Chocolates - Fi with her usual stash.Hey Elksy - Fi giving nicknames
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If you made me choose to save only have the citizens and let the others starve, I would find alternate motives.....
Is that a threat?
It's a promise - Fiona telling off a queen.
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